All personal data you give us, such as your name, address, phone number or e- to us, which includes your name, phone number postal address, e-mail address, or bank account will only be used to complete the orders you place and provide our customers the most enjoyable shopping experience on the internet. Rest assured that we do not (and will never, ever) offer to sell or rent the personal data you provide to us or to any third-party. Contact information, such as a phone number or email address, will only be used to answer questions or clarifications about the purchase or order. In your account page, you can choose to limit or filter your information that we collect regarding you.

What information do we gather and for what purpose?

We gather information about you whenever you sign up through the website, place an order, take part in any contest or sweepstakes, respond to a survey or message, for example email, or take part in another site feature.

We might request your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, details about credit card transactions or other private details when you place an purchase or sign-up. You may, however, access our site without revealing any personal information.

How do we use your information?

It is possible to utilize the data you\’ve collected when you enter into an event, take part in an event or survey and use specific site features such as our website, or reply to our marketing emails or surveys.

Make your visit more personal on our site by letting us provide you with the information and products that interest you most.

We would appreciate the chance to serve you better by answering any service request.

To quickly process your transactions.

Administrators of this site are able to manage contests, promotions surveys along with other options.

How do we protect visitor information?

We take a number of security measures in order to ensure the safety of your personal information. We store your personal data in secure networks, which are accessible only to only a few individuals that have access privileges. Additionally, they must keep it confidential. Secure servers permit you to view your personal data or place purchase. Secure Socket Layer – SSL technology is a method of transmitting sensitive information about credit card transactions. It is encrypted in our databases and can only be accessible by authorized staff.

Our policy has changed

We will inform you when our privacy policies are changed. The changes to our policy will only be effective for data gathered on or after the date.

Feedback and questions

Your comments and questions about privacy are welcome. Please send us any feedback you have related to privacy, or a different issue.

Your permission

Our privacy statement is a requirement for using this website.